Language of Love
All of us have delighted in the innocence radiated by babies, so pure and blameless. The sight of toddlers of every hue and heritage playing
All of us have delighted in the innocence radiated by babies, so pure and blameless. The sight of toddlers of every hue and heritage playing
Job description: Creating and maintaining strong boundary walls. Applicant is required to search the past, uncovering the source of hurtful events that scarred the psyche.
You are not the dollar amount that your Balance Sheet presents to the bank, nor the number that pops up on the bathroom scale. However
The dog ate my homework. The train was late. The teacher had it in for me. My boss is a jerk. We’re human. We goof
You are not the dollar amount that your Balance Sheet presents to the bank, nor the number that pops up on the bathroom scale. However
Politicians can learn so much from my brave clients who face complicated issues with candor and composure, understanding that the interpersonal relationships being brought to
I often see a wrinkled brow of puzzlement when I reply with a sympathetic but cautionary rejoinder to a client’s emotional, often teary description of
Forgive the redundancy. I’m writing once again about keeping a positive attitude in the face of worldwide chaos and the grey cloud of gloom that
Sometimes the world is too much with us. It’s as if a malaise creeps in under the transom and thickens the air with gloom. The
Over the last decade natural and man-made disasters that formerly were considered unimaginable have become commonplace. And 2023 has been a terrible year indeed, an