
Unlike hypnotherapy, which relies on inter-active dialogue with an alert client, self-hypnosis is a shift from waking consciousness to a deeply relaxed, dreamlike state. While in this dream, or trance state, the client is passive and more susceptible to allowing new perceptions to be assimilated into the unconscious. If no hidden emotional blocks are encountered the technique, using Guided Imagery, makes it possible to implant post-hypnotic suggestions targeted toward influencing behavioral change.

Weight Loss

The client is motivated by reprogramming the unconscious, implanting post-hypnotic suggestions for exchanging unwholesome eating habits for a healthy, nutritional life style (as distinct from “dieting”), increased, daily exercise and reinforced, positive self-image. Part of the process is creating a “hunger gauge” – a simple tool to help dieters become aware of when to eat and when to stop eating. With self-hypnosis, desire for certain trigger foods can be totally eliminated from one’s diet.

Smoking Cessation

Smokers who want to quit, but continue to fail after many tries to kick the habit, typically falter because their subconscious mind is not in agreement with their conscious mind. Using self-hypnosis to unlock the power of the mind, even chronic smokers quickly develop mastery of a “mental aversion” imaging technique that makes the very act of inhaling a cigarette repulsive. The Smoking Cessation Program teaches smokers to recognize their cigarette “triggers” and how to avoid them, shifting the focus to the healthful and emotional benefits of quitting.

Weight loss and smoking cessation clients are given audiocassettes for use at home to help reinforce the positive suggestions implanted in the office sessions.