Category: Uncategorized

We can’t allow ourselves to despair

Forgive the redundancy. I’m writing once again about keeping a positive attitude in the face of worldwide chaos and the grey cloud of gloom that

Changing the holiday script

Chestnuts roasting on an open fire Jack Frost nipping at your nose Yuletide carols being sung by a choir And folks dressed up like Eskimos

With Love and Light

‘With Love and Light’ is the salutation that both introduces and concludes my correspondence with associates, clients and the world at large. Love refers to

Move over Grandma Moses

For the past year it feels as if I have been in a made-for-cable television rom com… you’ve watched it often, where the last scene

Who are you?

How do we identify ourselves nowadays? It’s considerably more complicated than previously. Depending on the form we’re asked to fill out, there’s a drill down